2020 In Review
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Asset Reconnaissance International News
News and updates on ARI services, technology, travel, and milestones related to As-Built Surveying, onsite measuring, photography, Google Streetview, and Retail support.
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2020 started like any other year for ARI, with a promising and busy schedule of high-end Retail surveys across Canada and the United...
Los Angeles in January
In January I was fortunate enough to have worked on a week-long project in Los Angeles, California. Escaping the frigid cold of Québec, I...
Happy Holidays - 2017 ReCap
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the ARI family! We have much to celebrate and to be thankful for for the past year of 2017. The...
Project Highlight: BOMA Survey Vancouver
Occasionally we will be giving travel and project updates whenever something significant happens. Something significant is happening here...
St. John's Newfoundland in August
Just got back from a quick one-week trip to Newfoundland, a province that is special to me and is equal to British Columbia in raw beauty...
Highlights from our East Coast travels
ARI's current retail survey rollout has us agents exploring many cities in the eastern part of Canada this past summer. From the port...
ARI East Coast Canada 2017
Great news: ARI has been selected for a rollout of 50+ stores across Quebec and the Canadian East Coast. We will be visiting Northern...
Asset Reconnaissance International is born - what is an Asset Reconnaissance Agent?
I was driving down the 'A-7', otherwise known as the Autovía del Mediterráneo, in southern Spain. It was a beautiful afternoon, and I...
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