ARI is for Interior Designers.
Interior Designers need As-builts to know the built environment and context they are working with. Space planning, lease verification, furniture and equipment purchasing and other design functions rely on accurate information. ARI surveys can be tailored to gather information on any aspect of the built environment.
2D plans, elevations, roof plans, site plans, 3D models, structural plans, photographs, 360° spherical photographs, building sections… to any degree of detail required. Tell us what you need, and we will come up with a solution.
ARI has years of experience surveying a multitude of building types and interiors:
Single Unit Residential
Multi-Unit Residential/Apartment Buildings
​Commercial Space
Shopping Centres
Type A,B,C Office space
Vendor Shops
Stand-alone Buildings
Fast-Food/Coffee Franchises
Site Plans
Parking Lots
Drive-Thru Areas
Car Dealerships
Department Stores (partial and full surveys)
Retirement Homes
Health Clinics
Public schools and High Schools
Roof plans​
Full site plans
- ARI’s services have been extremely helpful to us as commercial interior designers. Their field reviews including site dimensions, BOMA calculations, and detailed photography were very thorough, and saved us considerable time which we could then devote to the design process.
We highly recommend their services.
Victoria Horobin - BID Interior Design, ARIDO, NCIDQ
Principal - KBH Interior Design Inc.
- - We have engaged ARI on a number of projects where it may not be feasible to have one of our own employees to document and verify existing base building services and dimensions. The level of detail and thoroughness ARI brings to aproject is invaluable as it provides us with a complete and detailed snapshot of an existing building envelope. Andwith the range of services offered by ARI, it allows us to customize our needs based on our clients’ budgetaryconstraints. Delivering this information in one trip allows us to further concentrate and focus on the best designswe can deliver to our clients.
Paul Volk - BID Interior Design,
Senior Designer - Jump Branding & Design